Saturday, August 06, 2005


I woke up at 6am this morning because the dog was pawing me and whining. I didn't want to get up, but last time she did this, it was for a good reason. Unfortunately I was not quick enough and there was a huge pile of dog doo on the rug near the back door. So I'm up bright and early which is good because I really have a lot of stuff to do but.....

Violet and I are leaving for Fiji Monday night and instead of getting ready, I'm on the computer, playing neopets and creating this blog. My hair is a disaster and I've made an appointment to see my old hairdresser this afternoon. I'm not packing, cleaning up or doing all the things I'm supposed to do. I'm such a procrastinator!

Here's a tip for those of you that travel. You can buy a phone card at Costco for $20 and it is really inexpensive to make international calls on it.

I rented Blue Lagoon last night because it was filmed in Fiji, on one of the very islands we will be visiting when we cruise the Yasawas, (on the Blue Lagoon Cruises). It's a really bad movie, but parts of it view like a travel documentary.


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