Saturday, August 13, 2005

Greetings from the Toka Toka Resort - PHOTOS

Violet & I just checked back into the Toka Toka Resort near Nadi Airport Fiji. We spent the last 3 nights on a Blue Lagoon cruise and saw the most pristine amazing beach I have ever seen. It was a private Island in the Yasawas owned by the cruise company. Only a caretaker lives there. We spent the entire day and night there, snorkeling, walking on the beach, swimming, Violet kayaked a little bit. The fish were right at the waters edge and it was crystal clear turquoise and then a deep blue further out. We saw blue starfish in the coral reefs. Violet got really good at snorkeling too.

The next day we cruised to the top of the Yasawas and visited another beach, Natalau beach, near a native Fijian village. The natives set up a small market to sell necklaces, shells, sulas and hand carved items. Violet said Bula to some of the native children, but they didn't speak any English. She also found a sand crab and fed some hungry native dogs some Cruise ship pastries.

The cruise ship was very small, about the size of the Catalina Express, only with cabins. There were about 30 passengers on board. Our cabin was very cute, complete with a port hole. The beds were very small but comfortable. The rocking of the ship made us sleepy. The sea was very calm, although the ride home was a little bumpy and Violet started to feel sea sick. I gave her a dramamine and she fell asleep.

The last day we also visited another island and native Fijian Village. The Villagers welcomed us, performed a Kava ceremony, (Violet and I didn't drink any) and sang and made us dance with them. Afterwards they had another shell market. The village is very rustic, the houses are all made either cinderblocks, corrugated metal, or traditional thacthed bures. No running water, there were outhouses, but it was all very neat and clean and not smelly. The kids all run around free, it is a very beautiful, but poor community.


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