Friday, August 26, 2005

Australian Animals - Photos

Breakfast with the birds in Port Douglas. The birds enjoyed the breakfast Violet wouldn't eat!

Violet and a friend at Birdland.

We fed this parrot a grape at Birdland in Kuranda near Cairns.

This butterfly is the only red one native to Australia.

Here's a blue butterfly that landed on someone's shirt at the Kuranda Butterfly Sanctuary.

Traveling bear, meet Koala bear.

These are tropical penguins.

A wombat at Featherdale Park.

An Australian peacock at Featherdale Park.

Here's a rare Albino Kangaroo.

Kokoburro at Featherdale Animal Park.

This Kangaroo has a baby Joey sticking his head out of her pouch.

Here is a photo of Violet at the Rainforest Habitat just south of Port Douglas with a baby Wallaby.

This Emu is Violet's second favorite animal and lives at the Taronga Zoo.

Violet and Sarah with a lamb at the Taronga Zoo.

Australian Possums are much cuter than American ones.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Breakfast with the Birds and Port Douglas Photos

Today we took a trip to have Breakfast with the Birds at the Rainforest Habitat in Port Douglas.

Look at how cute the baby Wallaby is! It kind of looks like a giant mouse.

They also had other animals and Violet enjoyed petting wallabies and kangaroos. We're doing a lot of animal things here in OZ. Later we went up to Port Douglas and walked around and had lunch. Later at the hotel Violet wanted to go to the gym so I worked out for the first time in months and I have to say I am out of shape!

The conditions are still bad for the reef. The winds are high and it rained today. I really hope we get to go out there before we leave.

Cairns - Kuranda with photos

We arrived in Cairns yesterday, we flew in on Virgin Blue, which I recommend. We are staying at the Hilton and they are really treating me like a VIP (I have my gold Hilton Honors card) and this is a comped stay. They sent up a nice bottle of Shiraz and a tray of fancy Hors D'Ouevres when I first got here. Put us in a nice room on the executive floor with a view of the bay and breakfast and cocktails in the lounge daily.

Today we went to Kuranda which is a town up in the mountains of a rainforest. You take an old train up the mountain to get there, through the tropical rainforest. At the top is a village, touristy yes, but fun.

First we went to the butterfly sanctuary. The butterflies were magnificent and sometimes they would land on you, or you could pick them up. One butterfly was on my finger for a long time, and some greenish stuff came out of its butt and then it sucked it up again. It did this a couple of times and the lady that works there said it was because it liked the salty taste of my finger but needed moisture to be able to get the salt. It also supposedly helped the male butterfly with its sex hormones!

We also went to Birdland, an aviary up there. Some of the birds were tame and you could hold them, if you had food they wanted. The birds were very colorful and we got some great photos.

Finally we got the big tourist to OZ prize, photos of use holding Koala Bears. They are really cute, but they smell pretty bad, like musky animal scent and eucalyptus. Their claws are really sharp too, but they are really sweet and docile. The one we held was called Hamilton and he was the father of a baby that we saw.
The way we got down the mountain was incredible but kind of scary. It was in gondolas, buckets like they used to have at Disneyland but over the rain forest really high up. It was beautiful and I had to keep thinking about that instead of how scared I was. You can see in this photo how spectacular the view was.

It's warm here, but a little windy and cloudy. Not great conditions to go the reef. We are hoping it clears up while we are here.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Bula Vinaka from Nanuya Lailai Island - PHOTOS!!!

On our first night out August 11th, I asked the crew how we would get from our boat to the beach in the morning and they said they parked the boat by hooking it onto a palm tree and then we took a small boat to shore. I thought he was kidding when he said they would fasten the boat to a palm tree, but he wasn't kidding! This was the first Island we stopped at, the Nanuya Lailai Island which is privately owned by the Blue Lagoon Cruise company.

Here's one of Violet feeding the fish - the snorkeling was excellent here!

Violet also spent some time kayaking and taking her traveling bear, Sarah Rose, kayaking. Here's a photo of Violet with a little Australian boy named Jackson and her traveling bear kayaking.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Sydney - Photos

We are now in Sydney which feels like home. It is a more beautiful city than Los Angeles, but feels similar in many ways. Violet and Sarah are having a fun reunion, and tomorrow Violet gets to go to school with Sarah and experience a day at an Australian school. Today we visited the Sydney Aquarium and had lunch at Darling Harbor. It's very expensive here. Then I met up with Linda who I haven't seen for 22 years and we walked down to the Rocks and had tea at a little french patisserie. It was like we were still best friends at Finborough Road during our London days. It's kind of funny how you can reconnect with old friends like no time has passed at all. Here is the view from the Taronga Zoo.

Sarah, Sue & Chris are moving again, this time to Melbourne. Their baby daughter, Emily, is so cute and sweet, a very happy baby. We are staying at their house and can use Sue's computer to update this blog. It is very comfortable here. They have really gone out of their way to make Violet and I feel welcome here.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Internet Cafe in Nadi

Today I am sitting in an Internet Cafe in Nadi, not feeling well and kind of depressed. I either have a head cold or allergies. Today it one of those days that we don't have anything planned and we are just waiting to leave for Sydney in the morning.

I'm thinking that the Raffles hotel next door to ours would have been a better place to stay. It seems nicer and the food in the restaurant is better. The swimming pool also seems to have warmer water. I need to report these findings on trip advisor. It's something I obsessed on before getting here, and there was little information to be found. In fact we actually chose the Toka Toka resort because Frommers thought it was nicer and the photo of the pool area looked nicer.

We are going to pick up a few gifts and then go back to the hotel and hang out by the pool. I need to clear my congested head, maybe lying in the sun will help. Both Violet and I feel kind of homesick, but maybe I will want to stay in Australia because everyone at work is probably mad at me now.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Greetings from the Toka Toka Resort - PHOTOS

Violet & I just checked back into the Toka Toka Resort near Nadi Airport Fiji. We spent the last 3 nights on a Blue Lagoon cruise and saw the most pristine amazing beach I have ever seen. It was a private Island in the Yasawas owned by the cruise company. Only a caretaker lives there. We spent the entire day and night there, snorkeling, walking on the beach, swimming, Violet kayaked a little bit. The fish were right at the waters edge and it was crystal clear turquoise and then a deep blue further out. We saw blue starfish in the coral reefs. Violet got really good at snorkeling too.

The next day we cruised to the top of the Yasawas and visited another beach, Natalau beach, near a native Fijian village. The natives set up a small market to sell necklaces, shells, sulas and hand carved items. Violet said Bula to some of the native children, but they didn't speak any English. She also found a sand crab and fed some hungry native dogs some Cruise ship pastries.

The cruise ship was very small, about the size of the Catalina Express, only with cabins. There were about 30 passengers on board. Our cabin was very cute, complete with a port hole. The beds were very small but comfortable. The rocking of the ship made us sleepy. The sea was very calm, although the ride home was a little bumpy and Violet started to feel sea sick. I gave her a dramamine and she fell asleep.

The last day we also visited another island and native Fijian Village. The Villagers welcomed us, performed a Kava ceremony, (Violet and I didn't drink any) and sang and made us dance with them. Afterwards they had another shell market. The village is very rustic, the houses are all made either cinderblocks, corrugated metal, or traditional thacthed bures. No running water, there were outhouses, but it was all very neat and clean and not smelly. The kids all run around free, it is a very beautiful, but poor community.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Germs Movie - Cast Party

Last night I went to the Dragonfly with Michelle to go to "What we do is secret" cast party. It was a repeat of the last time when the real Germs played with the fake Darby, the fake Germs played a couple of songs, and a lot of the "old" people were there.

Watching them gives me mixed emotions. Kind of sad, for what could have been if Darby was still alive, but happy too, because it was fun, Darby would have loved this and Pat and Lorna were smiling and looking great.

Fake Darby is Shane West, who really captures him, especially with those fake teeth he wears - I used to call Darby "the snake guy" at Uni before I knew his name, because his teeth reminded me of a snake for some reason. He can also do his voice really well and looks like him.

Last week I took Violet to the set to watch them film some of the movie. She was fascinated by it and she was up really late and didn't seem tired at all. She was very interested in meeting Tina who plays Michelle because she liked her in Napolean Dynamite.
Shane is so Darby to me, that I asked Michelle, "So what was that actor that plays Darby in?" and she told me he's on ER. The funny thing about this, is that I watch ER, and I didn't recognize that fake Darby was also the punk rock doctor on ER. Of course it also could be because I have a brain disconnect.

Last night during the show, I was trying to see if I could get a photo with my camera phone. Violet called at this point so I could see (not hear) that she was calling. I answered, but could not hear anything, so I went outside and called her back. She said she missed me and wanted me to come get her before but now she wanted me to get her in the morning. I told her the Germs were playing and she said "cool". Last week she quizzed me about the Germs and was very interested - asked a lot of questions about the Germs and things that Darby did.

I also thought it was so wonderful that this movie is finally getting made. Michelle has been working on this for years and although it is not done yet, it is finally a reality.

The population of the Dragonfly changed so much during the course of the evening. Towards the end of the party, after the set, they played music and people started dancing. On two platforms they had girls in skimpy outfits dancing. At first they were dancing to X - Los Angeles (I was thinking we never would have had girls in butt shorts and stripper clothes dancing on platforms) and the music slowly starting changing until it was full on Rap by the time we were leaving and there were husky bald guys entering the club and a row of huge expensive SUV's lined up at the Valet. Just a completely different scene altogether.